Sin ataduras

Este pequeño extracto de una semblanza que su primera novia “seria” hace de Steve Jobs en Rolling Stone, en sus tiempos de juventud cuando la fama todavía no le había llegado y era un romántico sin un céntimo, con una pareja preocupada por la falta de recursos, me ha hecho pensar y sentir sobre el valor relativo que le damos a todas las cosas. Juzguen ustedes:

“We had very little money and no foreseeable prospects. One evening after we had splurged on dinner and a movie, we walked back to our car to discover a $25 parking ticket. I just turned inside out with despair, but Steve did not seem to care. He had a deep well of patience when it came to discouragements. We drove to the ocean near Crissy Field in San Francisco and walked out onto the beach to see the sunset, where I began talking about money worries. He gave me a long, exasperated look, reached into his pockets and took the few last coins and dollars we had and threw them into the ocean. All of them.”